Posted by: pastorapbell | June 7, 2011

as we reflect on the sign of Jonah part II!

Although Jonah was anointed he still disobeyed God. Within all of us there is the propensity to challenge the authority figure in our lives and to do things our own way. This is not always the best way of operation, but like the forgiving father in Luke 15 God allows us enough rope for us to eventually come to our senses when we reach the end of the line or to hang ourselves. Jesus uses this situation to teach his hearers about obedience and trust. Who is better, the son who hears the instruction from his father says he is going to do the job but goes in a completely opposite direction or the son who hears the instruction from his father, insists that he is not going to do what he was told to do, but on reflection repents and goes and does it (Matt 21:28-32).  Jonah heard the word and disobeyed whereas Jesus obeyed the command of his father and went to the cross, through the pain and anguish of torture to bring redemption to Adam’s fallen race. For today the sign of Jonah is one of obedience. Samuel said to another anointed person, king Saul, it is better to obey [the Lord] that to offer sacrifices in disobedience (1Samuel 15:22). We may not understand the full picture, however since God knows the end from the beginning, please obey and trust him, he will lead us into paths of righteousness for his name sake! Read Luke 15:11-32.

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