Posted by: pastorapbell | February 24, 2012

as we embrace the year of order and destiny

To order our personal lives dictates that we are open and honest with where we are and are willing to take instructions so that we can move on. There are several reasons we have enemies in our lives. Firstly it is to drive us towards the son. Jesus’ mission was packaged in redemption. That is how he came to give himself up for all those who are descendants of Adam. Adam was given the responsibility to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly before his God (Micah 6:8). However, he was deceived by the serpent, the devil, who was disguised as an angel of light and consequently chose to find his own path (see Genesis 3).  Secondly we have enemies so that we can see the roads to avoid. Some say that there are many paths up the mountain towards God, and that each individual must find their own path. Jesus says that there is only one way to get to the mountain, who is [Yahweh] God and that is through the atoning sacrifice that he has made for us on the cross at Calvary. So although there are many roads, all other roads are like the snakes and ladders game. Once you get to a certain point, you will end up back at square one. Thirdly we have enemies to deter us from ending up in the same place as their father the devil. There is a place allocated for the devil and his cohorts, namely hell. We tend to forget that we are on a journey towards a destination. We cannot avoid this destination unless we order our lives and are covered by the blood that was shed by the Lord Jesus Christ on that cursed piece of wood to break the curse of sin once and for all.  Read Luke 6:43-45.

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